The #1 Superpower Coach™ in the world

  • Keith Ellis reinvented the art and science of setting goals in his classic book: THE MAGIC LAMP: Goal Setting for People Who Hate Setting Goals, which has been taught in colleges and universities across the United States, translated into half a dozen languages, and has helped to transform the lives of more than 100,000 readers around the globe.

  • Then he joined a tiny Internet startup named webMethods as their sixth employee. His job as the newly-minted VP of Sales was to sell a product that wasn’t finished, from a company no one had ever heard of, to a market that didn’t exist.

    He struggled.

    But three years later webMethods went public in one of the largest software IPOs in history.

  • After that he wrote a best-selling thriller entitled NO SECRETS, an electrifying story described as “a thrill ride on steroids”.

  • Today Keith is the #1 Superpower Coach™ in the world, creator of the The 10X Superpower™ framework, founder of the incomparable 10X Superpower Goldmine™ experience, and author of the soon-to-be-published:




What Was Impossible Is Now Easy

This blockbuster new book reveals how you can supercharge your work, your wealth, your health, your relationships, and your entire life to reach a level you never dreamed possible.

  • Earn 10 times more income than you do now (Yes, we're talking about a 1000% increase!)

  • Enjoy 10 times more freedom than you have now (You're already successful, but are you enjoying your success? Are you spending time doing what you most want to do and with the people you most want to do it?)

  • Be 10 times more satisfied with your life than you are now (Are you actually happy? If not, would you like to be?)

  • Discover how you can turn who you already are into what you really want

  • Learn how your You Strengths™ can help you achieve what now seems impossible

  • Differentiate yourself in the marketplace so uniquely that you have absolutely zero competition

  • Empower both your future and your past to give yourself 10 times more in the present

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Hear From Our Readers

Alan McGrath

I chased the conventional wisdom of success for years. In fact I can’t tell you how many so-called "secret of success" books I’ve read and trainings I’ve attended, but I’ve never experienced anything like this. Keith helped me discover a superpower I never even knew I possessed!

Hilary Blair

Keith Ellis is a great teacher! Magic Questions really are a life saver! I know that sounds like marketing hype, but in this case it’s true. Magic Questions are so simple, yet so powerful, that learning to use them has made an enormous difference in both my life and my work. Thank you Keith! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Stu Gray

Magic Questions helped me take my career and my life to a whole new level. The difference between Magic Questions and the conventional wisdom about success is like the difference between lightning and the lightning bug!

Fred Robinson

Whatever changes you want to make in your business or your life, whatever you want to accomplish, Magic Questions are the game-changing breakthrough you've been looking for. Learning how to use them is the best investment in yourself you will ever make!

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